
Friday 15 February 2013

The Story Of Penicillin


Hello, readers ... Sekarang wimvy akan bercerita tentang sejarah ditemukannya antibiotik Penisilin. Eitsss,,,, tapi bacaannya dalam bahasa Inggris, wimvy berharap readers semuanya bisa mengerti, kalo gag ngerti, readers bisa gunakan translate language yang tersedia di blog wimvy ini yaa. Wimvy menggunakan English, biar kita bisa lancar berbahasa Inggris, alias latihan berbahasa Inggris. Ya ga' ???

Wimvy mulai yaaa....

During the first World War, Dr. Fleming, a British army doctor, had seen many soldier dying from infection that had been caused by dangerous bacteria that had entered their wounds. Antiseptics were useless in killing the bacteria because these antiseptics would also destroy the cells of the body. To find a medicine that could kill bacteria without causing danger to the patient became Dr. Fleming's goal.

Many years of research had brought him very little success until something happened in September 1928 that led to the discovery of Penicillin, one of the antibiotics that we know now.
While examining some bacteria in his laboratory one morning, he made a discovery that would become very important in medicine. By accident he had left an open dish of agar with bacteria on a laboratory table the night before. When he returned to his research that morning, he immediately saw that a part of the agar had changed its colour. This change attracted his attention. Being very much interested, he examined that part of agar under a microscope and discovered some mould that had entered it.
He further dicovered that the bacteria had all been killed. What had the bacteria, the mould or some substabce that the mould had produced?

Feeling that he had come a step nearer his goal, he did some more research and found that it was the substance, and not the mould, that killed the bacteria. He called it penicillin, a word that one day would be known all over the world. Was this the medicine that he had been trying to find? Wouldn't it do harm to the body cells?

To answer the last question he drank a little of this substance and found that it did not harm him. He had discovered a medicine that would not do the body cells any harm. But could it be produced in large quantities and in a form that could be given as injection?

Hmm, short of story, The accident in Fleming's laboratory in 1928 has led to the discovery of penicillin and later, to the discovery of other antibiotics. For this, in 1944, he was awaded the Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology. He shared the prize with Florey and Chain, the Oxford scientists who had made large-scale production o penicillin possible, thus enabling doctors to cure millions of people all over the word, But Fleming himself died in 1955 of a disease that hs medicine couldn't cure.

Okay, readers, i think just all about the story of Penicillin, get benefit from that and thanks for visiting.

Salam manis,

Wimvy Nurbahri

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