
Friday 10 June 2011

The Influence of Tourism to Islam

The influence of Tourism to Islam and Culture
in West Sumatera

Ladies and gentlemen,

Tourism ? It is not strange again for us. Because everybody ever do it. The purpose of tourism are to clear and fresh our mind and give entertain to us. Because new condition is very important in our life. Usually, in the tourism, we visit the tourism object. In our provincy, West Sumatera, there are many tourism object. Such as Jasmine park and beach in Padang, Jam Gadang, Panorama, and the zoo in Bukittinggi, Lake Singkarak in Solok and the others. All of that tourism give a beauty to us. The beauty that valuable, but do we remember to Allah who has created that beauty ? Allah has created the beauty, so how Almighty Allah SWT. Allah said in Suroh An-Nahl : 3 :

Kholakhossamaawaatiwal ardo bil haq. Ta’aalaa ‘ammaa yusyrikuun

“Allah has created the sky and earth truthly. The superior of Allah from what they partnership.”

Ladies and gentlemen,

In tourism, we must notice our attitude. Because attitude is very impotant. According Minangkabau’s people saying :

“Adat basandi syarak, syarak basandi Kitabullah”

Tourism will influence our culture and religion. In tourism, there are many people visit our provincy, West Sumatera. They come from foreign or local. Usually, our tourism objects are visited by tourist. The tourist come to our country and bring their culture. Many people in West Sumatera influence tourism. Especially for our young generation, it is our teenagers. In the tourism object, they are loving and sit with their couple. Meanwhile, they don’t have related brother or sister. But, most of them are a muslim. So, they know about that . But, why ? why ? They still do that behaviour. Na’uuzubillahiminzaliik. They don’t have shy. They know that make a love with their couple is prohibition in our religion.
And then, in our generation, many teenagers open their genital. Especially for a girl teenagers. They don’t have shy. Many teenagers in West Sumatera try the tourist’s culture. May be, they come to the tourism object wear short, tank top, you can see clothes or jeans. But, they are proud about that. And they said : “ Yeah, I like this style.” They don’t remember again to their religion and their custom. Meanwhile, most of them are Minang’s people.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Beside that effect of tourism. Tourism has benefits to us. Because tourism, we can enjoy our nature, we can introduce our nature to the visitor, the tourism can increase our region’s income and add feelling thank to Allah SWT who has created the universe. Religion will give positive views, if the tourism fits with our religious and custom. And religious will give negative views if the tourism doesn’t fit with our religious and custom.

Well ladies and gentlemen, before I close my speech, i say, we are a muslim, our religion is Islam and we are Minangkabau’s people, our region is West Sumatera. So, let’s we do the tourism fits with our religion and custom. Don’t forget to Allah. Do the instruction of Allah and don’t do the prohibition of Allah. Please, always remember to Allah wherever and whenever you stay.

Ok, ladies and gentlemen, I think that’s all about my speech today. I hope you can understand about my speech. And I would like you to forgive me if I made mistakes in my speech. Thank you for your attention and good morning.

Good morning my horable judges, my honorable committee of competition, my honorable audience and my belove friends.
First of all, we would like to say thank to Allah SWT, who has given us the mercies and blessing until we can attend this program today. And we say thank to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has move our soul from the bad character to the good one. Who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness like we feel today. And then, not forget to me, to say thank to protocol, who has given me such a special time and apportunity to deliver a speech in front of you all.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, in this occasion, I would like to deliver a speech. The title of my speech is :

“The influence of Tourism to Islam and Culture in West Sumatera”

“The influence of Tourism to Islam and Culture in West Sumatera”

Untuk mengikuti lomba speech contest




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